Thursday 19 March 2009

Leo the lion

So I want to do a series of zodiac symbols, here's Leo. He's the first one I've finished.
I like how bored he looks ^_^

Joey the Urban fox

This is a cartoon I made for the FD2D magazine I've been working with. I think Joey the fox might have a regular slot there, so I've started to collaborate with comic artist Stephanie O'Donnell ( who is hopefully going to write me some funny comic strips that I can illustrate. This is very exciting, as, 1) Stephanie is really funny, and 2) My lack of comic-writing skills has been demonstrated time and again, namely here: or here:

So...yes. Awesome!

R xxx

Saturday 7 March 2009

Inspector Poppet

This is an ace project that I'm really hoping will go ahead...writer Caroline Gilmour asked if I was interested in illustrating some of her stories, one of which is about a cat detective! Pretty ACE, huh? Here are a couple of concept sketches I did for her:

Wednesday 4 March 2009

Sunday 1 March 2009

Flimsy the Eco Kitten

This is a page design I did for the magazine 'From Dusk 2 Dawn' ( The editor asked me to put Flimsy into a day-to-day adventure abput sustainable living. I think it turned out quite sweet! What do you guys think?

Rachael xxx