Friday 29 January 2010

Squirrel fun

Squirrels enjoy totally freaking out birds. FACT.

Thursday 28 January 2010

Danny and friends

This is a quick study I did to properly flesh out Danny's friends. I also wanted to get the colours roughly worked out and to see how big they were compared to each other.
They're all animals that live in or near the castle. I think the birds are nervous and skittish, the squirrels are curious and a bit naughty and the rabbits are comparatively sensible.

So I'm a bit Danny-obsessed right now aren't I?
I'll try and draw some /other/ things to mix it up a bit later!

Tuesday 26 January 2010

Danny the Dragon - story sketches

Here are some very scribbly drawings of how the story of Danny the Dragon is coming together in my head. It’s still a bit scrappy and needs a lot of work, but I’m excited about it at this early stage! I'm aiming to make the whole project more developed than Little Lion, and really push myself as an illustrator and storyteller.

Monday 25 January 2010

Danny the Dragon - more sketches

Playing around with characters and wondered whether Danny should have a best friend/owner. Possibly a princess? I'd like Danny to live in a big, posh castle and be a bit spoiled!

Danny the Dragon - postcard

::EDIT:: (later that day)
I thought he looked better without the pencil. less...sooty?
Also made the background kinda beige-y. Everyone loves BEIGE!

I might get some of these printed...what do YOU think?

Sunday 24 January 2010

Danny the Dragon - sketches

Development of Danny the Dragon (first seen here).
I like the one where he looks fed up the best ^_^

Danny the Dragon

look at him.

Thursday 21 January 2010

Hyena sketches

I want to make a new children’s picture book about a hyena, so I thought the best place to start would be to look at some pictures of hyenas and try to draw them. This should make character development easier when I start to think about it. Hopefully soon I’ll be able to go and draw some from life, but for now this will have to do.

Hyenas are very strange creatures; they have odd-shaped bodies that don’t really look like any other animal. They look like they have lovely soft fur though.

I’ve been learning lots of fascinating things about them too, mainly that the girls are totally in charge. Awesome.

Saturday 16 January 2010

Magic the Wonder Penguin

This is a story I made for my best friend Hayley, she's awesome. Even more awesome than Magic.

Tuesday 12 January 2010

Twesta poster: So Many Dynamos

Can I have a level up? Or +200 exp?
Or an extra life?

I'm pretty proud of this; he looks Real.

Monday 11 January 2010

Twesta poster: Gwenno

Gwenno (of Pipette fame) is playing a solo gig at the Firebug in Leicester in February.
I hope she likes her poster....*bites nails*
Loves to you all xxxx

Tuesday 5 January 2010

Cat sketch

A cat asleep on a windowsill.

Twesta poster: Violet Violet

A wintery theme for January.
If you are a Leicester-ite you should come along and do a hello at me!
The musics will be lovely.
R xxx

Saturday 2 January 2010

Seb the Fox

His hoodie makes him braver than most foxes.

Friday 1 January 2010

Girls: 2010

Happy New Year!
Here's some girls!