Friday 30 July 2010

Baby Elephant Soldier

Three words you never thought you'd hear together, right?
Here's a silly, quick little drawing I did today.
Let's just hope he's tougher than he looks...

Tuesday 27 July 2010

Fluffy Bunny

Awwww he wants to be your friend <3

Monday 26 July 2010

Mini character sketchbook

Here are some of the crazy critters that have been running around my brain recently:

Colonel Hoofy is very angry with Jacob Pearington for stealing his scarf.

A cool scenester-girl waiting for her cocktail and Mother (rude, over-protective) Duck and her child, Moggy.

That one hamster is surprised that that other hamster is flying with tiny balloons. The happy fire is burning the logs. They're all not very pleased about that apart from that one log who is in love with something off the page.

A cool girl called Sarah. A nice baby bear in a mouse costume. He's powerful friendly.

Danny (you all know him by now) burns a squirrel. An octopus gets angry that he isn't molesting young, Japanese girls.

A sad girl called Monique thinks about how lonely she is. An angry girl called Sophie thinks about how much she hates her boyfriend.

A longish fox. She's just chillin'. A sleepy squirrel does some noms.

A worried Pine Marten called Oscar. He thinks he may have lost his children. He will soon decide just to make some more. The other chap is a dwarf hamster called Kyle.

Monsters! The one on the left (Kiki) can charge mobile phones with his whiskers. The one on the right (Mugmug) spits out change if you force-feed him a note. It's always in whatever currency is on the other side of the world though. Awkward.

This girl is pissed that you've stolen her bra. I'd hold on to it if I were you. The bunny is too busy to notice as you've just fed him.

A gormless fox. A tiny man made of pure energy contemplates the hugeness of the world around him.


The owl and the pussycat

Some very simple texture experiments (texperiments?):

Hamster City

The finished picture based on my sketch from this post (the second one down). I really enjoyed doing this. My fave hamster is the one bunking off school watching class from above the room ^_^

You should click on this one to make it bigger as there are so many tiny goings-on. You wouldn't want to miss out!

Hope you're all swell. Lemme know what you think! Either comment on straight on here, or tweet me here.

Loves xxx

Scott Pilgrim much?

I am (as everyone else on the planet should be) extraordinarily excited about the release of the Scott Pilgrim movie and since everyone is doing those avatar things I couldn't resist the urge to draw my own Brian Lee O'Malley-inspired (slightly deluded) image of myself:

Thursday 15 July 2010

Sketchbook #9648

He's called Mousington.

Hamster city! They live a lot like you and I. You should click this one to make it bigger and see all the tiny antics close up.

The puppy isn't allowed to play with the tiny cats.

The Kitty Squad stumbles upon something horrific. But WHAT??? No one knows. Cause it's off the page innit.

The hamster is teasing the cat.

No caption needed.


It's nice when leaves wave.

He's called Octo dog!

Wednesday 14 July 2010

Comic for Sarah

I'm probably a terrible influence on my student friends, but I like to think that sometimes I help them stay focussed on their work, even if it is by accident.

(As always if you can't read it click the image to make it bigger).

Also, this didn't actually happen for reals...Sarah is a very hard-working gal ^_^

R xxx

Sunday 11 July 2010

Mungo looks for the rat

This image would go before this one in the picture book I've got currently brewing in my mind. This is where Mungo first starts to look for the rat, as that is what he's been told to do. He doesn't really want to find it though as it's big and scary!

I might revisit this image in a while to try to tidy it up some, but I thought I'd show you guys now. Cause I'm that kinda gal y'know?

Loves xxx

Twesta poster: Violet Violet (v2.0)

My second poster for the amazing Violet Violet. V. sad that they are disbanding, but this should be an awesome show.
I kinda used the flowers picture I did as inspiration for this. I made it cuter with the little tomato/strawberry fellas.

Thursday 8 July 2010

Hamster t-shirt design

Thought I'd have a go at another in the same series. My favourite is the one in the bottom right, he looks really moody!

R x

Monday 5 July 2010

Fox t-shirt design

I think this would look awesome on a t shirt.
But what do YOU (yes, YOU) think?

Flowers mark 2

Yeah so it hasn't been a billion years, but thought I'd show you kids how the flowers are looking:

Friday 2 July 2010

Mungo meets the rat

Trying to put together some less 'cutesy' pictures for my MA Illustration application portfolio. I don't seem to be able to make one without throwing a kitten in there though...

Click on the image to make it bigger. Bigger is better no matter what they say.

R xxx

Thursday 1 July 2010

Flower Power

I have a helluva lot more work to do on this piece, but I thought I'd show you guys it as it is as I kinda dig it. It'll probably be (approx.) 6 billion years before you see it again, but hopefully it'll also be (approx.) 6 billion times more awesome then.

Peace x