Friday 27 August 2010

Moggy Moo

I've already sold my limited edition Foxy Roxy print that was up in the Firebug bar in Leicester.
I'm going to be replacing her sometime before Tuesday with new print Moggy Moo!

Ain't she cute?

Foxy Roxy is the one at the bottom.
Mousington (top) is still available! Both him and Moggy Moo will be priced at £30 - bargainous!

R xxxx

Thursday 26 August 2010

Filbert the Fox

Filbert the fox is a member of the Leicester City Football Club.
He loves football more than most things...

Tuesday 24 August 2010

Marvin the Monster

I've been experimenting with things to make for the Pretty Young Things craft fair in November, and I thought I'd make something based on the promotional poster I made for the event.

HENCE: Marvin the monster was born!

I've only made one of him so far and you can buy him HERE.
But I'll be making more soon, so watch this space...

Marvin the Monster!

Marvin meets his new friends!


Marvin doesn't mind the huge mess that is my office.

This is how Marvin reads comics.

Bye for now, Marvin!

All the plush creatures pictured with Marvin can also be bought at my shop HERE.

Loves xxx

Saturday 21 August 2010

Kid's Room Murals

Exciting times ahead:

Do you have CHILDREN?
Do you know anyone who has CHILDREN?
Or are you a big kid yourself?

I'm branching out into KID'S ROOM MURALS!

Call me for a free chat: 07805414978
Or email:

At the moment it's limited to the UK - unless you'd like to pay for me to get on a plane! Painting holidays!

Lots of love,
Rachael xxx

Thursday 19 August 2010

My new office/studio

So I've only just moved in, but I thought I'd show you guys my new space, it's a 3 person office - just for ME!


The craft section! (This needs work)

BOOKS! Old and new!

Look at all the space for just little me!



Bags under the desk.

Original sketches for sale - from 50p!!!


You can now own an original piece of Rachael Smith art!
With prices starting from just 50p and none higher than £9 there MUST be something for you – yes YOU!
You can browse them all in the shop HERE.

And here for you I've blogged some of my favourites, if you see anything you like, I've put the link to that item in the shop underneath each picture, but hurry - once they're gone they're gone!!

A wee fox wearing a hoodie ^_^ He seems happy about that.
He is £2 and you can buy him HERE.

A little girl watching her cat chase a spider. Cuteness!
She is £3 and you can buy her HERE.

Two little sketches for the price of one! This little kitten is chasing his toy mouse. He is also purple - double win!
He is £50 (for both) and you can get him HERE.

A stretching cat. A lot of you liked him when I first blogged him, now you can own him!
He is £8 and you can buy him HERE.

A beautiful fox. He was part of a t shirt design which I will hopefully have available soon. For now you can own the original sketch!
He is £9 and you can buy him HERE.

Little Minty! Again, lots of you loved Minty the wolf and now you can own a little piece of him for just 50p! You can buy him HERE.

Scarlet and her best friend, a wolf. This was concept art for a comic book idea.
Scarlet is only £1 and you can buy her HERE.

The cat girl gang! They have found something shocking - but what?? Own them and YOU can decide!
You can buy the cat girls for £9 HERE.

Gav and Sophie - my concept characters for a future comic book. I love the expression on the dog's face. Gets me every time!
Get them for £9 HERE.

A sad girl. Cheer up sad girl. She's very pretty though - well worth £4.
Get her HERE.

Yay for Danny the Dragon! There are just two Danny-related sketches available, this one has the beautiful Princess Scarlet holding him, awww!
Get them for £9 from HERE.

A Danny sketch, he looks a bit puzzled.
Get him for £8 HERE.

The hamster city original concept sketch! Hamsters live a lot like you or I. You'll have fun looking at all the details for ages - it would be a great conversation piece, right?
Own it for £9 from HERE.

The puppy wants to play with the tiny Flimsy Kittens!
Get him for £9 HERE.

A sweet little cat sitting on a windowsill.
He's £5 from HERE.

Housekeeping: Prices may vary VERY slightly due to currency exchange rates – but it will only be a few pennies here and there. Also, Etsy should recognise where you are from and change the prices accordingly, but in case it doesn’t theres a very good currency converter HERE.

Once again, you can browse the whole jolly lot HERE.

If you have any questions convo me on Etsy or email me on: rachael(at)

Love you all,
Rachael xxx

Wednesday 18 August 2010

Noah the Dragon

This was a commission I did for the lovely Jenny Creasey. It was a being born present for a little boy called Noah. (Awwwww).

Tuesday 17 August 2010

Monday 16 August 2010

The Summer Sundae fringe buses

My lovely animals were used by a marketing company called Reach on the buses for the Summer Sundae Fringe Festival. Have some pictures of me stood near them:

*insert 'reach-around' joke here*

Photos by the rather wonderful David Wilson Clarke.

R xxxx

Thursday 12 August 2010

Pretty Young Things

These are a banner and a poster I made for a craft fair called 'Pretty Young Things' that Laura Heatherly is organising and that I am trying clumsily to help with.

Keep your eyes on: for any updates ^_^

R xxx

Summer Sundae Fringe Festival Launch Party

My illustrations were on show at the Summer Sundae Fringe Festival launch party last week.
Thanks to Chris Burgin for sending me his photos ^_^

Tonight is the last night of the fringe before Summer Sundae Weekender kicks off so if you're a Leicester local please do try to make it to one of the gigs!

R xxx

Monday 9 August 2010


Sometimes I have trouble dressing my human characters. I tend to just give them clothes that /I/ would wear. Which doesn't make for a very varied wardrobe...
Also when I'm first drawing a character I have a really bad habit of making them stand like they don't know what to do with themselves, they don't look like they're going anywhere/thinking about anything etc etc.
So I thought looking at women in a fashion magazine might help these problems. I looked at clothes AND postures. Win. (I'll try drawing men real soon).
Here's some of them:

Monday 2 August 2010

Twesta poster: Pocketbooks

My poster design for the chaps at Twesta Promotions for their upcoming Pocketbooks gig. Usually I try to incorporate the words into the actual illustration, so I thought I'd try something different this time. It's ended up looking a bit comic book-y. Never a bad thing :)