Thursday 17 February 2011

The Reeves family

A wee commission I did for my friend Andy Reeves last Christmas. Ain't they cute?

Tuesday 15 February 2011

I hate BT

For those of you who know me well (and are kind enough to listen to my rantings) you'll know that I've been having trouble with BT. I cancelled my account a year ago when I moved to Leicester from London and for some reason this wasn't recorded on their 'system'. Since then they've been ringing me saying I owe them lots of money and none of the conversations I've had with them to explain/complain seem to have been recorded, so each time I ring about it I have to go through the whole thing again. Rather than kill someone, I thought I'd try to make some 'art' to get rid of the anger. It didn't work so well...

Click on the images to make them big so yous can read em and stuff.

Friday 4 February 2011

Twesta poster: Standard Fare

I am VERY excited about seeing this band when they come to Leicester!
So I wanted to do a kick-ass poster for them and the guys from Twesta.

I think a lot of people in my neck of the woods have been a bit down about the weather lately, so I thought I'd do a nice summery image to lighten things up :)