Sunday 29 July 2012

'Nobody' character sketches

So I've been working on writing a new comic book called 'Nobody'.
Here are some character concept sketches I did today.
Click on the picture to make 'im bigger.
No points for guessing who 'Kat' is based on...

Vicky Park update

Hey dudes,

Here are a bunch more Vicky Park comic strips, that have appeared every Saturday in the Leicester Mercury's MORE Magazine. I think it's pretty clear that Abbie is my fave. She is too fun to draw! I managed to leave her out of a /couple/ of strips though...*proud*

Loves, R xxxx

Tuesday 24 July 2012

Wolves - an exhibition - SNEAKY PEEKS #2

Hey guys,

Here are some more sneaky, sneaky peeks at how the work is coming along for my EXHIBITION (which opens at the Crumblin' Cookie in Leicester on August 11th - COME ALONG!)

You can see the first lot of sneaky peeks what I blogged HERE,

AND an interview I did about the exhibition with Citizen's Eye HERE.

The Facebook link the event is HERE.

Love you all,
Rachael xxx

Thursday 12 July 2012

Wolves - the interview

John Coster from Citizens Eye done this interview with me about my exhibition. I tried to be good at it.