Friday 24 August 2012

Shy and the Fight poster

The folks at Popty Ping records asked me to design them a gig poster for their band 'Shy and the Fight'.
They wanted the whole band in there - there's 7 of them!
So I done them like this.
I kinda dig it.

You should go if you're able! :)

R xxx

Wednesday 22 August 2012

Press: Leicester Mercury piece

Hai guys,

Just a gentle reminder to you all that my exhibition at the Crumblin' Cookie in Leicester ends this Sunday!
So please go see it if you haven't already :)

Meanwhile enjoy this nice little piece that the Mercury ran on me today!

Loves, R xxx

Monday 20 August 2012

Cash for your Community ad campaign

Hey lovely people,

Here is a national in-paper ad campaign that some of my illustrations have been used in. My bits are the houses, the cut out people and the step-by-step illustrations. Although hopefully you guys will be able to recognise my style anyway by now! :)

I collaborated with graphic designer Paul Banks and copywriter Louise Jenkins to create these really cool-looking ads for Northcliffe Media.

It's a lovely promotion too, which aims to give money to community groups in whatever area they run in. Hope you like 'em :)

R xxxx

Wednesday 15 August 2012

Wolves - the final images

Hey dudes,
Now that the exhibition is up and running I can finally share the finished drawings with you :)

I hope you enjoy them!
All of them are available as limited edition prints from my Etsy shop.
There are only 5 of each available online so pick your favourite quickly  : p

R xxx

Monday 13 August 2012

Wolves exhibition - the opening party

Hullo lovely readers-of-my-blog,

Here are some photos from the opening party of 'Wolves', my exhibition, which was on Saturday, 11th August at the Crumblin' Cookie in Leicester.

busy busy! (taken by Paul Shinn)

inspection (taken by Paul Shinn)

companion wolf (taken by Paul Shinn)

 growing wolf (taken by Paul Shinn)

empty glass... (taken by Paul Shinn) 

le merch table without people (taken by paul Shinn) 

le merch table WITH people! (taken by Paul Shinn) 

chats (taken by paul Shinn) 

 my bio/blurbs table (taken by Paul Shinn)

me and my bff lucinda (taken by Joe Morrell)

we also had live music from the lovely Dan Wright :)
(taken by Ali Safavi)

I had a rad time.
Thanks to the Cookie and it's staff, especially Tinny for his support and BBQ-awesomeness, to Dan for doing beautiful musics, and lastly (but certainly not leastly) thank you to all that came!
For those that couldn't make it - it'll be up for two more weeks!
So go check it out if you're able :)

Loves and hugs,
R xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Sunday 12 August 2012

Press: Leicester Mercury 'Picture This' article

Hey guys,

Thought I'd share this really lovely article that the folk at the Leicester Mercury wrote about my exhibition :)
We had a really great opening party last night, thanks so much to all that came.
The exhibition will be up for two more weeks, for those that can't make it I'll put up some pictures very soon and prints will be available from my shop asap.

R xxxxxxxxxxx