Tuesday 16 March 2010

How I imagine 'Lost'

I've never got into 'Lost' (the TV show) but have lots of friends who watch it religiously and so talk about it around me. I thought I would use the snippets of information I have about it along with some artistic license to try and piece together an average episode.
Am I close?


  1. hahaha! This is brilliant! Such a great idea (and one that I wish I'd thought of!).

    I only ever watched the first few episodes of Lost before I decided I didn't really care enough, but I think you did a pretty good job.

    I want to see more of these for other tv shows (and maybe movies?) that you haven't seen!

  2. Haha, well done, Rachael! I love "Lost" to bits and this cracked me up.

  3. @Paul: I'm so glad you enjoyed this! And doing it with other TV shows and movies is a great idea! I'll get thinking....

    @Dave: Aww thank you so much! I made myself laugh a bit while I was making it, hehe!

    R xxx

  4. Love this! The skeleton part kills me haha - it's so true. Lost really is great though!

  5. This was delightful, somehow adorable, and surprisingly accurate. It reminds me of this girl who describes Star Wars without ever having seen it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hb2GmBkkaTU
