Tuesday 4 May 2010

Beautiful books

Today I went on a hunt for some books in the charity shops of Leicester...
I read a lot, and find books incredibly inspiring. They invoke images which are totally unique to the reader.
I found three books today that are not only inspiring on the inside, but on the outside too! You should most DEFINITELY judge a book by its cover!

My three finds...let's look closely!

The Great Gatsby is one of my all-time favourite books, and I've never seen a copy quite so beautiful as this. The font goes so spectacularly well with the picture it makes me want to weep.

Beautiful, yet simple portrait of the author/genius.

A wave-type patern on the inside cover and first page.

Closer + my thumb.

'The Practical Way to Keep Fit' This book was a part of several 'self help' books that all had this same cover image. I think this cover is so so so stunning - I love the way the lines on the waves give a perspective. I also love the three figures on the front of the boat - they're so subtle yet so striking once you notice them.

If this picture doesn't make you want to go and do some drawing RIGHT NOW then you're blind.

Lovely stuff.

'The Practical Way to Keep Fit' has the added bonus of being illustrated inside too - here's one of my faves. I'm a vegetarian myself and hope I don't eat too many unnourishing and indigestible products!


The caption says: 'He will also read in bed until he feels sleepy.' ^__^

This book was also one of a set. It's 'The Old Curiosity Shop' by Charles Dickens. I've never read any Dickens, and was told by a friend that I really should, thus I was inclined to buy this one in particular of the set. It comes with its own little jacket - it reminded me of a VHS recordable tape. Ooh hello nostalgia!

I know this is a bad photo (as are most of these, sorry!) but I wanted to try to show you the lovely texture.

Yay! I love it when people write their names in books ^_^ 1960! I love how the red is still very red indeed, even after all these years.

Another brilliant portrait of an author. I wish books were still like this!

This one also had beautiful green-edged pages. I suppose that's from the 'Olive Classics' brand name!

I implore all of you to go now and search your local charity shops for similarly beautiful books, you'll find it inspiring, improving and fun fun fun!

Lots of love,
Rachael xxxxx

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