Tuesday 14 December 2010


After having an incredibly bad day I decided to cheer myself up by drawing some stupid comics (if you can't read my scribbly writing you can click them to make them bigger):

Monday 13 December 2010

The Blood

Partly inspired by the way Simone Lia tells her Fluffy stories, this is the next story I made for the charity who look after children with chronic illnesses. I blogged about the first story here. This one is all about the blood, what it's made of and how it works...these are just a few of the page spreads:


I'll be putting this advert on a few websites, what do you guys think?
The picture will click through to my website: www.rachaelsmith.org
I'll let you know when they're up :)

R xxx

Sunday 5 December 2010

Christmas goodies

Hey lovely people,
Just thought you'd like to know I've updated my Etsy Shop so you can now buy Marvin the monsters all packaged up nicely in 5 different colours AND adorable kitten Christmas cards.

Yup. Soooo Etsy Shop is here: http://www.etsy.com/shop/flimsykitten
Go buy stuff please!

R xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

The Entrepreneurial Pig

Hey guys,
I did the illustrations for a video storybook written by Becky Blackmore of www.meetbusinesspartners.co.uk. It's for a competition that will get the business some funding and hopefully me some monies and publicity! It will win if it gets more views on youtube than the other entries so PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE watch it LOADS of times for me :)

The link is here: YEAH!

And here are some screenshots to pique your curiosity!

Sunday 28 November 2010

Sammy's Medicine

Hey guys,
I've been doing a project for a charity who look after kids with a chronic illness.
Below are a few pages from the first of four stories I'll be writing and drawing for them:

Monday 22 November 2010

Poetic Bunnies (a comic)

As usual, click on the pictures to make them bigger - it's easier to read my scrawly writing that way. Loves,
R xxx

Thursday 18 November 2010


So this isn't really like the stuff I usually draw, I mean, for a start there aren't any cute, cuddly animals! But I had a dream about this landscape the other night so I had to try and put it on paper:

I dunno how obvious it is, but it's meant to be three mountains with really tall houses precariously balanced on top of them, and then a little village in the middle of them.

Weird dream though, huh?

Christmas Kitten

I drawed these last night, I might make them into Christmas cards but I'm not sure...HMMMM!

New Studio

Hello all, and welcome to my new home-studio :)
I prefer being at home as I get to have my hamster, Genevieve right next to me when I work!
Apologies, as always, for my rubbish photography skills...

Arty shot.

Non-arty shot.

A wall of inspiration/stuff.

Some Marvin the Monsters I've been making for the Pretty Young Things craft fair.

A box full of Marvins :)

This is where Genevieve lives, right next to my desk.

I drew her some other hamsters so she wouldn't get lonely when I'm not there.

And I know you were all dying to see the lady herself...

Scurrying away :)

Monday 15 November 2010

Love Bird

She has three eyes so she'll find love quicker :)

Tuesday 9 November 2010

Journey to End Level Boss

I redrew this one for my friend Dave and thought I'd try colouring it in.
The first one is in this post here, and I had to redo it because I spelt 'journey' wrong - what a wally!

Thursday 28 October 2010

Sketches innit

I haven't blogged nearly as much as usual this month due to some 'real life' stuff which has been happening such as moving studios.
I hope to get back to my usual pace pretty soon, but for now here's some sketches which came out of my brain today: