Sunday 30 October 2011

Vicky Park - it really happened!

Feast your eyes on the first 'Vicky Park' weekly comic strip :D
I'm so excited that this is happening, although slightly daunted at the task of coming up with a strip EVERY WEEK. *gulp*

Here's how it looks on the page, it's the very last thing in the Mercury's new weekly supplement: 'More' magazine. I think it fits in really well :)

...allow me a little bit of a celebration?

Fred Leicester

I was commissioned by the Leicester Mercury to do an illustration for their 'Fred Leicester' opinion column. I made up this grumpy-looking man for it, I kinda dig him :)

They flipped the image round to use in the actual paper. I don't think I'll even get used to seeing my stuff the other way just looks strange to me. Everyone that isn't me has told me it still looks fine though!

You can see Fred Leicester in all his grumpy glory every Saturday in the Leicester Mercury.
Yay! ^_^

Jadu characters - the outcome!

Don't any of you say I never give you closure (you ARE always saying that, right?)
Here's what my Jadu characters look like on the final product!

I think it looks pretty damn sweet...

Wednesday 26 October 2011

'Flew' comic - sneaky peeks :)

Hey guys,
Here are some peeks at some of the panels on my new comic 'Flew', which I first blogged about here.

Monday 17 October 2011

Scribbly comic shop rant (response)

For those of you who are confused, you need to read this.
Then this.

Sunday 16 October 2011

New comic: 'FLEW!'

Hi guys,
Would you like to see the first three pages of a new comic I'm working on?

It's called 'FLEW!' and, quite predictably, it is about flying.
Here's the first three pages, I might change them later but I'm pretty pleased with how they've turned out.

I'd love to hear what people think of them.
Does it make you want to see more? Or does it bore you to pieces? You can be honest, I can take it. I'm very brave and strong.

For those of you wondering what's happened to 'Clara' don't worry! She's still on my mind, she's just turned into a much bigger project than I had anticipated, so it may be a while before she's an actual printed comic.

See ya later crocodiles,
R xxxx

Saturday 15 October 2011

Announcement: Vicky Park!

Hello friends,

So this week has been very exciting and filled with good news!
I am to be the first cartoonist for the Leicester Mercury, Leicester's local paper!

I will have a cartoon strip in the new weekend supplement 'More' every week!
The strip will be about Leicester student, 'Vicky Park' (for those of you not from Leicester, this is a VERY funny joke - Leicester has a park called 'Victoria Park', but lots of the locals call it 'Vicky Park')

I thought I'd draw this sketch in celebration. Vicky's on the right, on the left is her little sis, Abbie.

The first strip will be in 'More' which will come with the Leicester Mercury on Saturday, October 29th. Pleeeease buy it if you're local to Leicester! And then show your friends and go 'oooh' and 'aaaahh' about it like I will be :)

Over and out,
R xxxx

Sunday 9 October 2011

Kabeedies poster for Twesta Promotions

I done a new gig poster!
This one's for the Kabeedies, please do come on down if you're in or around Leicester! Should be an awesome show...

One Good Thing comic FOR SALE!

Hey guys,
Exciting times! My first ever comic is on sale!
This comic collects the first month's worth-of visual diary entries on my daily blog 'One Good Thing'.
Each entry is something I found good about that day.
It helps me stay positive and I hope it will help others do the same.

If you'd like to buy one, I've got a few for sale in my Etsy shop here.

If you don't dig Etsy, or if they've sold out on there before I can renew, just give me an email on rachael(at) and I'll sort you right out :)

I'm really excited about this guys, thank you in advance for all your unfailing support :D

R xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxoxoxoxox