Sunday 16 October 2011

A scribbly comic shop rant (and plea)


  1. I know exactly what you mean. After being used to Leicester's comic shops for so many years, I was pleasantly surprised to see a big stack of John Allison books in Page 45 when we popped through to Nottingham recently.

  2. Hehe! That's so funny you mentioned Page 45, after getting exasperated that day I ordered a bunch of stuff from them that evening. Page 45 4 life!

  3. hi! i'm the guy in this comic, i'm sorry your visit wasn't a great one, although i think your writeup of it was a little skewed - anyway, in keeping with the spirit of things i've prepared a response in the form of a comic. it's here:

    it's nothing mean or rude, honest!
    hope you like it, and again, sorry if the day wasn't to your liking.

  4. This is hilarious.

    Please keep these call/response comics going back and forth and sell the resultant zine's worth of comics in your store.

  5. Aww, I'm sorry I ruined your morning coffee, man - it wasn't a direct attack of you - and I do admit in the comic that our conversation wasn't portrayed entirely accuratly. And I do have kind of a skewed view of reality at the best of times. Thank you for your response and for taking it so well though. You're a really good sport, but it's worth mentioning again that it was NOT a direct attack of you - more so the way mainstream comic shops don't stock indie comics or seem to really care about them. You obviously do though. I will try to respond in comic form a little later tonight :)

  6. Ugh, I feel like the worst person in the world now!
    *crawls into a hole*

  7. aww i can't stay mad at you

    i eagerly await the followup comic, HJ is right, we should make it a fanzine.

  8. By the way, you have huge and beautiful eyes!

  9. :D
