Friday 4 November 2011

Santa's Letters Packs

This is a project I've been working with alongside the designers and other good folk at Northcliffe Media.

I drew the characters, then the designers coloured and vectorised the images. This image above shows some of the millions (OK, not millions, but maybe like, 18!) of items you get in these packs Northcliffe have got printed.

I had to get one of me in there, right? This is my fave item - a self assembly reindeer, ain't he cute??

I've really enjoyed this project, and I like the thought of lots of little kiddles opening their packs on Christmas eve :)

If any of you guys would like to order one, look at the info page on this here Facebook:


  1. I was just looking at the photos of this a minute ago on Facebook and thinking they looked a bit like your drawings, but not quite the same. Glad to see my Spider-senses weren't totally off and you did do the drawings for these before they got all vectorised!

    Good work! :-D

  2. Thank you Paul! It's really excited to see how all the stuff has turned out :) xxx

  3. Amazing!!!
    it's nice drawing. to all of the people that create Santa letters for the child or relatives. Your children will cherish these santa letters forever.

  4. Thanks for sharing your information with everyone and keep posting
    video from santa
