Tuesday 27 December 2011

Pussy Boy

You can blame Paul Shinn for giving me the idea for this one...
I think he'd be a pretty cool (terrible) superhero!

Saturday 24 December 2011

T'was the week before Christmas, and all was...a bit rubbish. (but then it got a bit better).

So yeah, there's my funny, slightly depressing account of my week before Christmas.
I tried to get some of the good points in there too :)
I'm very, very thankful for all the wonderful people I have around me who I know will always be there to help me through anything life throws at me.

Some good points: I'm able to go to my Grandad's funeral next week so I'll get to spend time with my family which I didn;t think I'd be able to the Christmas. Also, Ralph has a clean house, lots and lots of treats and a snuggly new bed, so even if he only has a few days left in him they will be full of niceness.

Merry Christmas! xxxxxxxxx

UPDATE (26/12/11): Poor little Ralph died today. Hopefully he wasn't in too much pain when it happened. I buried him in a peppermint tea box, so at least it'll smell nice for him :,)

Saturday 17 December 2011

Vicky Park

Some randomly chosen Vicky Park comic strips which are appearing weekly in the Leicester Mercury's More magazine every Saturday.

I'm really enjoying this project. I'm especially liking watching the characters develop week-by-week.

Ruby & Moon

Here's an 8-page comic I made back in September.
It's kind of cool to look back on now as I think I've improved a lot since then :)
It's meant to be going on Top Shelf 2.0's website sometime, but I wanted you guys to see it before the new year, as it was done such a long time ago.

For you Leicester people, page 6 (with all the fish) is on display in the lovely Orange Tree if you'd like to see it in the 'flesh', and is available to buy for £90 (framed).
If you're interested give me a nudge! :)

R xxx

Sunday 4 December 2011

SHOP: New greetings cards! And some old Christmas favourites :)

I've totally put some new stuff in my SHOP!

There are two new card designs...

A Sushi one! (for the sushi-lover in your life):

And a Fish and Hamster one! (for the fish and hamster-lover in your life?):

I've also brought back the Christmas Kitten!
He's full of festive cheer and there are two different card designs featuring him:

Christmas Kitten! (just hangin' out in the snow, yeah?)

Christmas Kitten can't sleep... (he's too excited about all the catnip he's gonna get in the morning!)

If you buy any, make sure to comment on here and I'll thank you personally! :)

Merry Christmas!

R xxx

Saturday 19 November 2011

Insidious comic

This comic was inspired by the movie 'Insidious'.
Click on it to make it bigger.


Poor Man With Fire On His Face...maybe he was just trying to reach out to people.
R xxx

Press: Leicester Mercury 12/11/11

Hey guys,
My Vicky Park comic strip got a little mention in the Leicester Mercury main paper this month which I thought I'd share with you...

Isn't that nice!?
Thanks if you were one of the people who was nice! It's nice to be nice!!

And here's the whole article, worth a read if you have a moment!

Over and out,
R xxx

Friday 11 November 2011

Faith in People books

Hey guys,
Here are some photos of the printed books I wrote and illustrated for Faith in People, a charity that looks after children with terminal illnesses.I first blogged about it here, and I'm really please with how the end products look, hopefully they'll help the little kids understand stuff they need to :)

Saturday 5 November 2011

Twesta poster: Standard Fare #2

A new poster for the boys at Twesta Promotions for a gig coming up this month.

This one was a bit of a rush job but I think it still turned out pretty good :)
I've done a poster for the band Standard Fare before which you can see here.

R xxx

Friday 4 November 2011

Santa's Letters Packs

This is a project I've been working with alongside the designers and other good folk at Northcliffe Media.

I drew the characters, then the designers coloured and vectorised the images. This image above shows some of the millions (OK, not millions, but maybe like, 18!) of items you get in these packs Northcliffe have got printed.

I had to get one of me in there, right? This is my fave item - a self assembly reindeer, ain't he cute??

I've really enjoyed this project, and I like the thought of lots of little kiddles opening their packs on Christmas eve :)

If any of you guys would like to order one, look at the info page on this here Facebook: www.facebook.com/santaschristmasletters

Sunday 30 October 2011

Vicky Park - it really happened!

Feast your eyes on the first 'Vicky Park' weekly comic strip :D
I'm so excited that this is happening, although slightly daunted at the task of coming up with a strip EVERY WEEK. *gulp*

Here's how it looks on the page, it's the very last thing in the Mercury's new weekly supplement: 'More' magazine. I think it fits in really well :)

...allow me a little bit of a celebration?

Fred Leicester

I was commissioned by the Leicester Mercury to do an illustration for their 'Fred Leicester' opinion column. I made up this grumpy-looking man for it, I kinda dig him :)

They flipped the image round to use in the actual paper. I don't think I'll even get used to seeing my stuff the other way around...it just looks strange to me. Everyone that isn't me has told me it still looks fine though!

You can see Fred Leicester in all his grumpy glory every Saturday in the Leicester Mercury.
Yay! ^_^

Jadu characters - the outcome!

Don't any of you say I never give you closure (you ARE always saying that, right?)
Here's what my Jadu characters look like on the final product!

I think it looks pretty damn sweet...

Wednesday 26 October 2011

'Flew' comic - sneaky peeks :)

Hey guys,
Here are some peeks at some of the panels on my new comic 'Flew', which I first blogged about here.