Saturday 21 January 2012

BUY stuff!

Hey dudes,
Just a quick update to let all you Leicester-based people know that you can now buy my One Good Thing comic, as well as two greetings card designs, and a bunch of plush creatures from Phoenix Square arts centre. So make sure you go in there and make a fuss of my things :) (try going 'ooh' and 'ahh' loudly).

Here's some pictures to remind you all what my wares look like!

Various plush creatures! Who WOULDN'T want a cuddly slice of cake??

The One Good Thing comic (volume 1)

The Fish and Hamster card (blank inside)

The I Love Sushi card (also blank inside)

For those of you who are not Leicester-based, or who just like staying at home (don't blame you there) you can get most of the above from my Etsy shop right here.

Happy shopping :)

R xxx

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