Tuesday 6 November 2012

Wolves - the Chester exhibition set-up

So me and lovely people Tom and Carrie set up my exhibition at Becnicks Wonder Emporium in Chester yesterday. It was hella fun :)

Tom got well involved in the curating...

It's not just my Wolves pictures this time, there are ten, limited edition 'Ask Flimsy' prints on display too!
Good ole' Flimsy.

Becnicks is THE BEST shop. I had to use all the strength I had not to buy seven million vintage dresses.


Look! A crab!

AAAAAND here's the poster just to remind you guys that we're having an OPENING PARTY this Saturday (10th November), I'll be selling prints, comics and other stuff and also plying people with wine, so please come say hi if you're able :)

I have a Facebook event page for this here.
You can still buy prints of all the Wolves images in my Etsy Shop here. The framed Flimsy prints will go in here after the exhibition too, provided they don't sell from Becnicks :)

Much, much love,
Rachael xxxx

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