Thursday 24 January 2013

Press: Page 45 review of 'The Way We Write'

I had a super nice review of my new comic 'The Way We Write' on the Page 45 website.
Please have a read of it! It's on their website here, where you can also buy the comic!

I've also posted it below:

Page 45 Review by Jonathan
I'm not sure what the connection is between Rachael Smith and Her Name Is Calla actually is, but given both hail from Leicester I suspect there probably is one. I must confess I'm not familiar with their music, but being a big fan of easy-going talented tinkle poppers like The Boy Least Likely To, I will certainly give them a go. So, if nothing else, Rachael's amusing intro to the likeable three-piece might end up winning them at least one new fan!

You can see that Rachael is a talented illustrator. I immediately thought of John Allison's early SCARY GO ROUND material, both in terms of the art and the zany storyline (also HECTOR UMBRA actually on that latter point), and I happen to know she is a fan of John's simply because I asked her. But her style is definitely her own with some distinctive flourishes that add a lovely swooshy touch to proceedings. This, then, is a phantasmagorical affair as our urbane trio head to remote Oswy House for a weekend writing and jamming session, but some ghostly choirboys are damned if they're going to let the band get anything done!

I think it would be fair to say we're going to see a lot more in the future from Rachael as her story-telling and art develops further, in much the way in we've seen John Allison progress from the very early non-published purely web-comic Scary Go Round material through to MURDER SHE WRITES and THAT, and Luke Pearson progress from SOME PEOPLE to the HILDA books, I certainly think she has that potential ability. For a debut work this is indeed really excellent and I have popped some interior art up of the first few pages for you to see for yourselves. Next up for Rachael, the inevitably tricky second album...err...I mean comic. I look forward to seeing it.

P.S. Anyone spot my hidden album and band reference? I did misspell the album title ever so slightly to make it work, and I will give you a clue the album was released in 1985. A free copy of THE WAY WE WRITE to the first, and probably only, person to tweet Stephen with the answer!

How nice is that?? :)
I have no idea what the hidden album and band reference is - but if YOU do, you can tweet Steven here :D

Look at this handsome front cover image! This is what you need to look out for in Page 45! Make sure you go 'Oooh' and 'Ahhh' whilst holding it too.

I've also been getting ready for the launch party... :D

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