Tuesday 8 January 2013

Valentine's Day Comics

Hey guys!

So, with Christmas and New Year out of the way - the next big thing to think about is Valentine's Day! Why not get your loved one something unique and personalised this year? 

I am offering one-of-a-kind, original, 4-panel comic strips which could tell a story about the two of you.

Your comic could be about...
  • How you met,
  • When you got engaged/started seeing each other,
  • Your first date,
  • An adventure you shared,
  • Or, quite simply, 4 things you love about your partner.
For £75 (+postage) you can present an A4 framed, signed, colour, high-quality print AS WELL AS the original ink drawing on Valentine's Day morning.

Please see the images below (click to make them bigger) for an example of what you can get: 

All you have to do to order yours is email me at rachael@rachaelsmith.org with your idea, details of what you'd like in each panel and photos of you and your loved one before February 4th, 2013. Please get in touch sooner rather than later (especially if you live outside the UK).
I accept Paypal and back transfers.

If you're unsure of which idea you'd like to go with, email me anyway and we can come up with something together for you :)

C'mon - make this Valentine's Day really special, with something you can keep forever ^_^

R xxx

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