Monday 18 March 2013

'The Way We Write' the launch party photos!

So I had a hella great time at my comic book launch party!
My mum took some pictures :D

the table just after we set it up, so pretty!

limited edition calla posters

badges, albums, and ink drawings

the comics! (the main event) :D


yours truly looking awkward

yours truly looking shy

early peeps

weikie, aka Adam Weikert, takes the stage with a solo set

Adam and Sophie (comic book stars and members of 'Her Name Is Calla') do a paired-down Calla set - beautiful


1 comment:

  1. May I be the first to comment on this post....
    All I can say is that I'm sorry that I could not make it there myself. I love that you've got pictures of the table with comics and artwork, and stuff for sale, too. All looks great! Sorry that missed out on this event. Maybe another time.
