Monday 27 May 2013

MCM London Expo - my first comic convention!

So this weekend I took part in my first ever comic convention - MCM London Expo!

Here are some pics:

Me and my glamorous assistant Paul Shinn

A little character sketch I did for someone.

My neighbour was the amazing David Lloyd - who did the V for Vendetta graphic novels.

David drawin'.

My stall!

This was my home for 3 days...I miss it :(

These guys sold pretty fast...

OMG! I didn't sell out until the Sunday though so hopefully everyone who wanted one had a chance to grab one :)

Reminding myself that there was an outside.

My friend Abigail cosplaying as a leather-wearing kitten who has a giant front door. I think...

My glamorous assistant No. 2 - Kate Zillah :)

So yeah! I had a great time, met some amazing peoples and sold loads of comics and prints.
If you missed out on getting a comic then you can always go to my shop HERE

My next appearance is at Thought Bubble on the 23rd - 24th November in Leeds. Bring it on!

*sleeps for a week*


  1. Glad you had fun and had plenty of ker-ching, Rachael! V. jealous at you being next to David Lloyd. V For Vendetta is my favourite graphic novel.

    Good job you need to sleep for a week too, since we'll need that long to recover from Handmade and get paid before we can meet up at t'pub for gossip and feedback!

    PS: Bit concerned that Blogger picked the word "inbreeding" as one of the Captcha words to prove I'm not a robot. I'd complain about such defamation if I were you. ; )

  2. Hello!
    Yeah I had a blast - pit heartbroken to be back at work now, but hey ho - gotta keep going I guess.

    Whenever you can meet is fine - just let me know :)

    Hahaha! I shall write a strongly worded email to blogger.

    R xxxxxx
