Tuesday 3 September 2013

Two new conventions! USA Adventures :D

Hi everyone,

I have exciting news! (and a slight change of plan to my convention schedule).
Hopefully by now you are aware I am part of Volume 7 of AcesWeekly, which is a project run by the amazing David Lloyd (V for Vendetta).
I have done a brand new comic for Volume 7 called ‘Clara’s Shadow’, which will be exclusively available as part of the digital-only Aces Weekly project – I will let you all know when it’s available to purchase :)

Here’s a couple of panels of Clara to whet your appetite:


David Lloyd has very graciously offered me the opportunity to accompany him to two comic conventions in the USA in order to help him spread the word about Aces Weekly, do some exclusive, original sketch cards and sell a few of my own little comics too.

So I will be at:

San Diego Comic Fest (4th – 6th October) – I’m not exactly sure if we’ll have a table at this one, but we’ll definitely be there in some capacity. I think David is on a panel at some point so I’ll probably be the girl stood nervously by the side of that. If we find any more opportunities to get involved I will update you guys :) 

EDIT (16.09.13): David and I WILL have a table after all! I'll let you know if I end up on any panels/programmes too.

EDIT: (26.09.13): I will be a part of the following panels:
Panel/Program: How Do I Draw This? Translating a Comics Script into a Readable Comics Story

Saturday, October 5th    5:30PM - 6:30PM    Eaton Room
Panel/Program: Spotlight on Aces Weekly
Sunday, October 6th    4:15PM - 5:15PM    Garden 1 Room

New York Comic Con (10th – 13th October) – me and David will defs have a table at this one so come find us for sketches and times!

Unfortunately, taking advantage of this amazing adventure has meant that I’ve had to cancel my table at Nerdfest, which falls on the 5th October in Nottingham.
I feel bad about this – so please, my Midlands/UK-based friends do go to this new convention and support it! It looks to be a lovely one J

So yes, I’m adventuring! I’m very excited and super grateful to David for having me along.
Watch this space for updates ^_^

TLDR: My new convention schedule is:

4 – 6 October: San Diego Comic Fest, USA 
10 – 13 October: New York Comic Con, USA
26 – 27 October: MCM London Expo, UK
23 – 24 November: Thought Bubble (Leeds), UK 

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