Thursday 17 October 2013

San Diego Comic Fest and New York Comic Con

I recently got back from doing two comic conventions in America: San Diego Comic Fest and New York Comic Con with David Lloyd (V for Vendetta) as part of the Aces Weekly project I'm involved in. I did lots of sketch-cards and got to tout my own comics too!

I thought you might like to see some photos :)

San Diego Comic Fest:

Setting up in the Dealer Hall

My wares :)

David drawing V

A strange request...


Did a panel :)

Artists Alley

Did another panel - this one was for Aces Weekly ^_^

New York Comic Con:

Settin' up...

A drawin' I did on the first day.

Cyanide and Happiness peeps :)

My first 'Drink and Draw'

A drawin' I did on the...third day (I think)

Jenny sketch-card

'Beyond Webcomics' panel with Kate Beaton! Eeeeeee!

Sophie sketch-card

Shit got real

Behind the scenes
