Friday 1 November 2013

Press: Video / Radio / Review

Hey lovelies,

Here's a bunch of press stuff I forgot to tell you about/only just got my hands on...

A video interview I did with Tom Racine of Tall Tale Radio at New York Comic Con (click the image to watch):

Yesterday I did a radio interview on BBC Radio Leicester with the lovely Rupal Rajani about my comic/America adventures (click image again to listen, my bit starts at 01:13:54 (ish).

And finally, a while back I got a review for 'I Am Fire' from Rob Clough which you can read right HERE.

He doesn't like my colouring so much, but describes me as a 'slicker Kate Beaton' - so I think it's a win overall. It's some good advice for me to mull over at least.

R xxx


  1. Well done hun!

    I disagree about not liking the coloring but everyone has their own opinions.

    Otherwise, you are doing brilliantly my dear, it's so great to see you getting recognition for your superb work.
