Monday 25 November 2013

Thought Bubble adventures - plus comics/commissions!

So I had a blast at Thought Bubble! It was my first one so I was hella nervous. But everyone was super, super friendly and awesome :) I sold a whole bunch of stuff too, and drank a lot of wine...

Here are some pics :)

If you weren't able to make it to Thought Bubble this weekend, or if you did but ran out of monies/didn't have time to say hello, you can get all my comics on my online store here:

I’m also open for commissions for Christmas, so please email me (rachael[at]rachaelsmith[dot]org) for details.

Thanks guys, big loves,
Rachael xxx

1 comment:

  1. This is great too! Excellent! Now, I shall HAVE to order those other comics from you, when I get the chance, to go with my Her Name is Calla one. :)
