Monday 24 March 2014

HOUSE PARTY IS FUNDED!!! (but wait there's more...)


Holy moly! You guys have been AMAZING! We reached our target amount in just 4 days - thank you so much to everyone who has backed the project so far. The comic is definitely going to be printed! YAAAY!

PLEASE keep those pledges coming in though, people - as we plan to use the remaining days of the Kickstarter project to make the comic EVEN MORE AWESOME with some WICKED STRETCHGOALS!

We're looking into adding pages, producing extra goodies and making the finished product even more beautiful. Watch this space for details coming very soon, and pre-order now to make sure you don't miss out :)


Also, if you're a little on the fence about whether or not to back the project, 'House Party' has been getting some lovely features on other comics websites if you'd like a second opinion:

Thanks all, BIG LOVES,
Rachael xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxoxoxox

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