Sunday 30 March 2014

'House Party' Kickstarter update - Stretchgoal #1 reached!

Good news everyone!
Stretchgoal #1 has now been reached! At the time of writing we're at £2708 which is incredible - thank you all SO MUCH <3 p="">
This means that ten pages will be added to the book which will showcase some beautiful guest art from some super talented comics artists! (Names TBC) I'M PRETTY STOKED ABOUT THIS GUYS!!!! Let's all have a celebratory drink ^___^

Our next Stretchgoals are: 
STRETCHGOAL #2 If we reach £3000 the cover will be UV spot varnished.
STRETCHGOAL #3 If we reach £3300 every single physical copy of the book (including those already ordered) will come with an A5, Kickstarter-exclusive, signed bookplate.
Let's see how far we can get :) CLICK HERE to go to the Kickstarter project
Thanks again guys, I love you ALL.
Rachael xxx

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