Monday 16 June 2014

'House Party' Launch Party & ELCAF 2014

Hi everyone!
So I had a rad time at my launch party for my debut graphic novel 'House Party'. Thank you SO MUCH to all who came, and to the fantastic folk at Orbital for making it such a good night. I was delighted and humbled at how many people came to see little ole' me. 

Wanna see some pictures? OF COURSE YOU DO:

House Party House Party House Party House Party...
Photo by Will Brooker

Cheeky Totoro getting in shot.
Photo by Will Brooker

Photo by Dean Simons

Photo by Dean Simons

Photo by Dean Simons

Photo by Dean Simons

Photo by Dean Simons

I was so busy signing all night I totally forgot to drink ALL THE FREE BOOZE.
Photo by Dean Simons

Photo by Dean Simons

Photo by Dean Simons

I was probs being all charming and delightful here
Photo by Dean Simons

Photo by Dean Simons

Photo by Dean Simons

Adam Cadwell also made a little video which shows how packed it was which you can watch riiiight HERE :) Woo!

OK so the day after my launch party was ELCAF 2014! I had the best time at this too, it was so, so nice to hang out with some of the other Great Beast folk :)

Here are some photos from the day:

John gets attacked by a plastic dinosaur
Photo by Adam Cadwell

How could you NOT wanna come to our table??
Photo by Adam Cadwell

Photo by Dan Cox

Photo by Dan Cox

Photo by Dan Cox

Photo by Dan Cox

Photo by Dan Cox

Adam got sad when a balloon popped
Photo by Dan Cox

Me teaching Dan how to draw Flimsy :)

We made it, you guys! It was a long ole' day...
Photo by Adam Cadwell

On the Sunday I went to Gosh!  to sign and number 200 exclusive 'House Party' bookplates :)
You can get your hands on one of these babies by being one of the first 200 people to buy the book from Gosh! So GET GOING ALREADY!

FINALLY - Whilst at ELCAF I did an interview with the lovely Alex Fitch from 'Panel Borders', which goes out live today, hopefully I said some semi-intelligent stuff. If not though I totally SAVE ALEX FROM A WASP about half way through so you should tune in just for that, really. Here's some info about it and how you can listen:

Panel Borders: Comedies and tragedies

Alex Fitch explores the art and culture of comics and graphic novels with practitioners worldwide. Today Alex talks to British small press cartoonist Rachael Smith about her first graphic novel - House Party - and to American artist Maureen Burdock about her latest F Word Project comic which looks at Female Genital Mutilation and is being exhibited at Space Station 65 gallery in Kennington.

4.30pm Monday 16th June, repeated 11am Thursday 19th June on Resonance 104.4 FM (London) / streamed at / extended podcast at

I think that's it! Phew!
If you were unable to come to the launch party or ELCAF but want to get your mits on a copy of 'House Party' you can order it from the Great Beast store HERE.

Loads of loves to you all,
Rachael xxxx

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