Friday 3 October 2014

New Flimsy the Kitten book available to pre-order :)


I finally have a NEW Flimsy the Kitten book coming out! 
And it's available for pre-order NOW from here!!!

Basic info...

"ASK FLIMSY" (limited edition of 300, each numbered, signed, and sketched in)                                                                                       
40 pages long
Full colour
£5.00 (preorder, will ship on November 10th)

More info...

The book is called "ASK FLIMSY" and in it Flimsy answers questions from real people on the subject of LOVE. Some questions include: Can you find love online? Where do broken hearts go? and How do you get over a crush? Some of Flimsy's advice is not very good, but all of it is downright adorable.

"ASK FLIMSY" is a LIMITED EDITION - I'm only printing 300 of them and each will be hand-numbered, hand-signed, AND HAND-SKETCHED-IN!
All this for just £5.00 - jeez louise, right!?
I'll be debuting the book at Thought Bubble Festival on the 15th November (IF I HAVE ANY LEFT! AMIRIGHT?), and shipping out all pre-orders on November 10th. Is debuting a word? I’m pretty sure it’s kind of a word.

Have a look at some sample pages why don'tcha? :D 

Thanks for all the Flimsy Kitten love, guys.
Rachael xxx

P.S. If you were one of the rad people who responded to my call for ‘love’-themed questions, and would like to check whether or not your question made it into the book before you order one, you can ask me here: rachael(at)rachaelsmith(dot)org

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