Thursday 11 June 2015

ELCAF! + Flimsy prints

Hey gang!
So in just over a week I'll be exhibiting at the 4th East London Comics and Arts Festival - ELCAF for short :)

I'll be there both days and sharing a table with the gorgeous Adam Cadwell. You'll be able to find us in the Laundry Basement venue at table 26. Here is a helpful map (hopefully that giant fish head won't stink up the place too bad) (you can click the image to make it bigger):

For more details on the festival and how you can buy tickets click HERE.

I'll also be debuting my new Flimsy Kitten print - there's a limited run of 50 so they'll probably get snapped up pretty quick :)

If you're not going to ELCAF but would like to make sure you get one of these bad boys, you can pre-order them riiiiiight HERE.

Other stuff I'll have with me:

Hopefully see some of you there!

Big loves,
R xxxxxxxxxxx

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