Wednesday 18 May 2016

TCAF! (Toronto Comic Arts Festival)

I had an amazing time exhibiting at my first ever TCAF (Toronto Comic Arts Festival).

I'm getting over jetlag right now but also feeling inspired, humbled, and overwhelmed by all the talent I encountered there!

Here are a few photos I took while I was there! Click to make 'em bigger:

Flying into Canada!

Mine and Adam Cadwell's lil table.

The TCAF welcome party! (sorry I'm such a terrible photographer)

Honest Ed's! (out of Scott Pilgrim)

My first taste of proper Canadian poutine! It was aces, but I only managed like, a third of this. That stuff is DENSE!

Sneaky Dee's (out of Scott Pilgrim)

Inside Sneaky Dee's!

Yours truly in Sneaky Dee's.

The best kids' comics shop I have ever encountered.

I picked up a Kate Beaton pony pin which I have wanted for forever!

The Beguiling comic shop.

The Beguiling had a copy of my first book, House Party! I have no idea where they got it! Haha!

On Friday night Adam and I went to a party at the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM). Look! Dinosaurs!

TCAF! My table was on the right hand side but you can't see it because crowds!

Kate Beaton designed the poster and programme cover this year and I think it's all of the rad.

Taken from Jack Astor's balcony restaurant in Dundas Square.

And here's where my table was on the map. I miss it so!

Thanks TCAF! Maybe see you next year, huh?

R xxx

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