Monday 1 March 2010

Birds (and silliness)

What Rachael imagines it would be like to let birds into the house:

What it would actually be like if Rachael let birds into the house:


  1. hehe! This is funny! And I love that in your "imagination" your wearing a magnificent dress! Lots of great little details! :-)

  2. Aww thank you Paul! Yes, I'm trying to add more little details into everything I draw. In my AOI portfolio surgery Fig told me to add more subtext to my picture books. So here goes!
    How are you getting along?

  3. Ah, I was going to ask you how your portfolio review went the other day when you had to pop off for your dinner!

    I'm okay. Am finally (Finally!) sitting down and starting working on my website! And got a couple of other ideas I'm working on too. And it was sunny for a whole day! Maybe things are looking up...

  4. oooooh! this sounds exciting! please let me know when your website is up and running! xxxx

  5. Will do. I'm aiming for the end of the month, will let you know how it goes...

  6. Tears in my eyes, that's brilliant
