Monday 1 March 2010

Danny the Dragon - detail and subtext FTW

Yay for Danny! So, since I made some proper, colour (but still rough) pages for the Danny the Dragon picture book (which you can see here) I had my second portfolio surgery with the AOI. I was advised to add more detail and subtext to my drawings, as well as a whole lot of other things! It was really helpful and inspiring and it was nice to feel how much I've learnt since last year's surgery. Anyway, here are my first attempts at reworking the first few pages, let me know your thoughts! But bear in mind that these are (as you can see) still very rough and scribbly, so be gentle with me. You can also click on the images to make them bigger which might help to see everything.
R xxx

Danny was a little boy dragon.

He lived in a big, beautiful castle with his owner, Princess Scarlet.

Danny and Princess Scarlet were the best of friends, Danny was good as gold as long as Scarlet was around.

However, when Scarlet went to school...Danny was a very /different/ sort of dragon.

(this one is skipping ahead a little so I won't give you the caption in case it spoils the story!)

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