Tuesday 21 September 2010

Meta comic

Another silly, slightly scribbly comic.
As you guys seem to enjoy them.

P.S. James (my boyfriend) isn't really that critical about my work and hardly /ever/ hits me over the head with a baseball bat.
He does get annoyed when people write songs about writing songs though.
Gotta have our quirks I guess.

R xxx


  1. I don't hate every song about writing songs. However, those 18 that Natasha Bedingfield wrote piss me off.

  2. Hahaha. Awesome! I have to admit to being guilty of making a fair few comics about making comics myself. But this was great!

    Meta. :-)

  3. james: tit head turner gets you hot under the collar too.

    paul: i liked your comics about you, they were a cute and funny insight into your brain :)
