Wednesday 13 October 2010

Inspired by tweets

I've been feeling a bit poorly and uninspired today, so I asked some of my twitter friends to suggest some drawing ideas, I'll try and do more requests tomorrow, but so far this is what we came up with together:

Inspiration potential: dinosaurs! race cars! rockets! very small frogs! strawberry fields!
(suggestion from @mariosknees)

something from experience? Something about rum, & lots of it! :D x
(suggestion from @mywaastedlife)

Japanese phoenix flying out of a fire but with multi coloured feathers like a peacock
(suggestion from @layerz)

Draw everything you can remember from the top of your head that is in your bedroom. Anything you can't remember, throw away.
(suggestion from @n0meo)

Miners :)
(suggestion from @Our_Man_Flint)
You like cats, don't you? Would you like to draw mine? :)
(suggestion by @davesusetty, who then went on to tell me that Pesto Pickles (the cat) likes to eat spiders).

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