Monday 9 December 2013

FPI blog 'best of 2013'

I did a ‘best of 2013’ interview for the Forbidden Planet International blog in which I admit to watching ‘Made in Chelsea’. Do you think this will help or hinder my cartooning career?

Click here to read

Or click the image:

Friday 29 November 2013


Had a nice commission to do some storyboards for a short film.
It was a super tight deadline so they're a bit scribbly, but I still kinda dig 'em.

Monday 25 November 2013

Thought Bubble adventures - plus comics/commissions!

So I had a blast at Thought Bubble! It was my first one so I was hella nervous. But everyone was super, super friendly and awesome :) I sold a whole bunch of stuff too, and drank a lot of wine...

Here are some pics :)

If you weren't able to make it to Thought Bubble this weekend, or if you did but ran out of monies/didn't have time to say hello, you can get all my comics on my online store here:

I’m also open for commissions for Christmas, so please email me (rachael[at]rachaelsmith[dot]org) for details.

Thanks guys, big loves,
Rachael xxx

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Light The Night 2013

I've been involved in a really nice project over the past few months called 'Light the Night', which coincided with a whole bunch of exciting Christmas stuff in Leicester's cultural quarter. There were camels, guys! CAMELS!

Anyway, the bit I was involved in was some animated projections of Flimsy and her friends on a couple of buildings. Andrew Leeke, of Creative Manifesto headed the project.

Yay! Giant Flimsy!

Andrew is also a top class animator, and he took my drawings and brought them to life beautifully.
Here are the three videos that were projected, pretty adorable, huh? 
(click the images to go through to youtube):

It was lovely to see Flimsy come to life like that, I hope to work with Andrew more in the future ^_^

To see more Flimsy stuff, visit her website HERE.

Finally, here are the original drawings I did:

Monday 18 November 2013

House Party cover

Here's the cover for my next comic that I'm currently working on.
So if I go a bit quiet then you know what I'm up to :)

R xxx

Friday 15 November 2013

Thought Bubble!

OMG GUYS IT'S MY FIRST EVER THOUGHT BUBBLE! (23rd - 24th November, Leeds)

I am well nervous - so if you're around please come see me and make reassuring sounds.

I am sharing a table with the brill Drew Askew and take a gander at the other amazing artists that we'll be sharing a hall with on the list below! 

Things what I will have with me:

-I Am Fire (£5)
-The Way We Write (£5)
-Flimsy’s Guide to Modern Living (£4)
-One Good Thing January (v. limited!) (£4)
-One Good Thing March (/quite/ limited) (£4)
-One Good Thing May (£4)
-Badges (50p or free when you buy a comic)
-Greetings cards (£1)
-Prints (including one brand new one of a very nice whale) (£5 / £10)

This is all reliant on how much space Drew will let me have…come early and watch us fight about it!

If there's something on the list above that you can't see on my table - just ask :)

R xxx

Thursday 14 November 2013

Siobhan concept

A little sketch I did for my new comic 'House Party', which I'm currently writing.
This is Siobhan, one of the three main characters. I've borrowed/updated her from a comic I made a while ago called Cookie Monsters. She's a bit older in this one, so I've tried to make her seem a bit more grown up in the script. We'll see how that goes...

R xxx

Sunday 3 November 2013

Wolf Kid sketches

Here's a couple of sketches I did at New York Comic Con last month.
Only just got round to scanning them in...

Friday 1 November 2013

Press: Video / Radio / Review

Hey lovelies,

Here's a bunch of press stuff I forgot to tell you about/only just got my hands on...

A video interview I did with Tom Racine of Tall Tale Radio at New York Comic Con (click the image to watch):

Yesterday I did a radio interview on BBC Radio Leicester with the lovely Rupal Rajani about my comic/America adventures (click image again to listen, my bit starts at 01:13:54 (ish).

And finally, a while back I got a review for 'I Am Fire' from Rob Clough which you can read right HERE.

He doesn't like my colouring so much, but describes me as a 'slicker Kate Beaton' - so I think it's a win overall. It's some good advice for me to mull over at least.

R xxx

Thursday 31 October 2013

Vicky Park - the latest strips

Here are some of the latest Vicky park strips which are published every Saturday in the Leicester Mercury's 'MORE' magazine :)