Tuesday 1 September 2015

Margot the Inventor

Margot the Inventor
by Rachael Smith

Margot is a very determined fox cub who wants to be an inventor when she grows up. Her best friend is a little flying robot called Scout that Margot built herself. Margot wants to prove to the forest animals how clever she is, and so is always looking for problems within the forest that she can solve by building things. Her ideas are always over-complicated and ambitious, and the forest animals always finds a way to solve the problem themselves naturally, before Margot can put her plans into action. Kids will learn a little bit about how animals naturally work, e.g. beavers building dams, as well as being inspired by Margot's weird and wonderful contraptions.

As well as the inventing strips, some strips could explore Margot and Scout's friendship, their adventures in the forest, and how these two very different creatures relate to each other and help each other through their troubles.

(please click the images to make them bigger)

Episode 1 script

Page ONE

Panel 1
Margot straight into the camera, introducing herself. We can see a pretty woodland scene behind her.
Margot: Hi! My name is Margot! I'm a fox cub and I want to be an inventor when I grow up.

Panel 2
A closer, more cropped shot of Margot, with a flat colour background. She has her paw on her chest and her eyes closed.
Margot: I am very clever.

Panel 3
The woodland scene in back. Same shot as panel 1. Margot with her arm around Scout, a small, round robot. She's gesturing to him with her other paw. Scout's speechbubbles are differently shaped, with a different typeface.
Margot: This is my robot, 'Scout'.
Scout: Hullo.

Panel 4
Margot now has her other paw over Scout's face.
Margot: He was my very first invention.
Scout: Your first invention that worked.
Margot: Shush!

Panel 5
Camera moves a little closer to Margot. She's got both paws out, as if about to tell a long story, and is looking up in the corner of the panel.
Margot: So, like, basically, Scout and I live in the forest and get up to many zany antics such as-

Panel 6
The sfx is going over the top of the panel. Margot & Scout underneath looking hella shocked. As shocked as Scout can look anyway.

Panel 7
Scout: Sounds like some zany antics are goin' down right now...
Margot: Rats, I hadn't finished my introduction speech to our new readers! Oh well.

Panel 8
Margot suddenly looking very confident and excited.
Margot: Scout – you know the drill!

Page TWO

Panel 1
Scout transforms into a flying hat for Margot – the door on each of his sides have opened to reveal some handlebars, Margot is reaching up to grab them.

Panel 2
He lands on Margot's head, his propellor starts to go faster, making the sfx.

Panel 3
They fly off, high over the pretty woodland scenery, away from us.
Margot: Wheeeeeeeee!

Panel 4
We're below them now, we can see the clouds and sun. Margot is pointing at something below.
Margot: The scream came from the river – look there!

Panel 5
A baby bear is trapped on a collapsing dam in the middle of a river. We can't see Margot or Scout but can see their speechbubbles.
Margot: The dam is falling in! That baby bear is in trouble!
Scout: I'm landin' now, hang on.


Panel 1
They land with a flourish (from Margot).

Panel 2
The baby bear is in the foreground, Margot and Scout in the background. Margot is heroically pointing upwards as she speaks.
Baby bear: Help!
Margot: Don't worry, baby bear! I'll have a plan in a jiffy!

Panel 3
Margot standing in an over-dramatic thinking pose with her eyes closed.
Beaver: Excuse me-
Margot: Not now – let me THINK! I am very clever after all!

Panel 4
V small panel of Margot with her eyes closed.

Panel 5
Same shot, but Margot's eyes have snapped open. She's grinning.
Margot: RIGHT.

Panel 6
Margot's plan – different colour palette to differentiate from the 'real' story. Margo's face is floating over the pictures as she explains what her plan is. All these shots are a little like blueprints, and side on to the action.
Margot: Step one! We assemble an anti-gravity ray which we'll mount on a tripod at the edge of the river.

Panel 7
Margot: Step two! Scout hovers above the baby bear holding a large fruit bowl (which we'll have to pinch from my Mum's house).

Panel 8
Margot: Step three! We fire the anti gravity ray! I hypothesise that the baby bear will float upwards at 90° and be caught in Scout's (Mum's) bowl.

Panel 9
Margot: Step four! Scout flies the bear to safety, we fire the anti-gravity ray again, thus turning gravity the right way round – the baby bear is now safe on dry land...

Panel 10
We're no longer in Margot's plan – the colour palette is back to normal. Margot looks very smug and is pointing at herself.
Margot: All thanks to-


Panel 1
Long shot. Beavers are dotted about cheering, carrying logs, etc.
Margot: Huh!??

Panel 2
Beaver: I tried to tell you. Beavers are excellent at building – and fixing – dams. It took us 30 seconds.

Panel 3
The baby bear is in the river. He's really happy, splashing around.
Bear: And I remembered I actually really like water!

Panel 4
Margot looking lost as the beavers mill around her.
Beaver: I'm surprised you didn't know these things already...
Beaver 2: Yeah...you must be sort of...not very clever?

Panel 5
Close up on Margot grinding her teeth.
Margot: Grrrrrrrrrrrr!

Panel 6
Margot and Scout are walking, towards us, away from the animals now. Margot has her paws on her head, she's frustrated.
Margot: How am I meant to get good at inventing things when this stupid forest keeps on solving its own problems?
Scout: I'm sure somethin' will come up, Margot.

Panel 7
Margot and Scout in the background walking away from us. The baby bear and the beavers are in the foreground having a lovely time splashing around in the river.
Margot: It best do!


Examples of finished comic pages (please click to make bigger):

Thought Bubble Anthology, published by Image Comics, 2015

Doctor Who: Tenth Doctor comic series, published by Titan Comics, 2014

Doctor Who: Tenth Doctor comic series, published by Titan Comics, 2015

The Rabbit, published by Avery Hill Publishing, 2015

The Rabbit, published by Avery Hill Publishing, 2015

Flimsy's Holiday, personal project, 2015

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