Monday 28 September 2015

The Rabbit - launch party photos!

Hello all!
Sorry about the lateness of this post! Since the launch parties I have moved house and don't have proper wifi yet (soon though...)

Oh my goodness the Rabbit launch parties were AMAZING! Thank you to everyone who came, it was so lovely to meet you all.

Here are a collection of photos from the evenings, special thanks to Camila from Orbital for taking most of these!

If you have any photos that you would like me to include here, please email me! (rachael(at)rachaelsmith(dot)org) xxx

Click on any photo to enlarge. Hope you enjoy!

Check out my greeting face. Photo by Camila Barboza

Photo by Camila Barboza

Photo by Camila Barboza

Photo by Camila Barboza

Photo by Camila Barboza

'Hey, this doesn't look half bad!' Photo by Camila Barboza

Antics. Photo by Camila Barboza

Cookies! Photo by Camila Barboza

Photo by Camila Barboza

Photo by Camila Barboza

Photo by Camila Barboza

'What's your name?'
'Laura with an A-U?'
'No - Nora.'
'Oh, like L-A-R-A?'
'It's Nora.'

I hadn't even finished one glass of wine at this point!
Nora, I'm so sorry!

Photo by Camila Barboza

Photo by Camila Barboza

Hey look it's NORA, everyone! Photo by Camila Barboza

Photo by Camila Barboza

Photo by Camila Barboza

Photo by Camila Barboza

Photo by Camila Barboza

The famous Andy Oliver! Photo by Camila Barboza

Photo by Camila Barboza

Photo by Camila Barboza

Noms. Photo by Camila Barboza

Photo by Camila Barboza

Photo by Camila Barboza

Photo by Camila Barboza

Photo by Camila Barboza

Photo by Camila Barboza

Tom throwing some serious shade at whatever I'm drawing! (it's probably a rabbit)
Photo by Camila Barboza

Photo by Camila Barboza

Photo by Camila Barboza

Photo by Camila Barboza

Photo by Camila Barboza

Photo by Camila Barboza

Photo by Camila Barboza

Photo by Camila Barboza

I have no idea. Am I being a rabbit??
Photo by Camila Barboza

Photo by Camila Barboza

Photo by Camila Barboza

Photo by Camila Barboza

Photo by Camila Barboza

'You OK for booze, honey?'
Photo by Camila Barboza

Photo by Camila Barboza

Photo by Camila Barboza

Photo by Camila Barboza

Photo by Camila Barboza

'I'm gonna try standing up for a while...'
Photo by Camila Barboza

Photo by Camila Barboza

Photo by Camila Barboza

Me and Lucinda having, what looks like, very SERIOUS chats!
Photo by Camila Barboza

Me and the Avery Hill boys :)
Photo by Camila Barboza

Sans Kanye shades
Photo by Camila Barboza

Roisin hot pose #1
Photo by Rob Cureton

Roisin hot pose #2
Photo by Rob Cureton

Photo by Roisin Grasby
Original art for sale at the Manchester launch.
Photo by Ricky Miller
Photo by Ricky Miller
Photo by Ricky Miller
Photo by Ricky Miller
Photo by Ricky Miller
Photo by Ricky Miller
Photo by Ricky Miller
Photo by Victoria Riches
Photo by Victoria Riches

Travelling Man!
Photo by Haroon Mushtaq

What a blast!
If you've yet to pick up a copy of The Rabbit, you can do so at Travelling Man, Orbital Comics, and all other good comic shops - or online direct from Avery Hill right here.

Much love,
Rachael xxx

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